Omeed Malik interviews Wall Street Journal reporters Eliot Brown and Maureen Farrell about the rise and fall of shared workspace company WeWork and their profile of its founder Adam Neumann. This virtual event was hosted by the Berkeley Center for Law and Business’s Fraud Fest at the UC Berkeley School of Law in Berkeley, California
Maria’s Wall Street with Mohamed El-Erian
and Omeed Malik on the US policy priorities, the economic outlook, China-US tensions, and markets. Watch here.

With Dr. Scott Atlas at the White House
Omeed Malik invests in the Daily Caller
The Daily Caller is a 24-hour news publication providing its audience with original reporting, thought-provoking commentary and breaking news. Omeed has joined them also as a Contributing Editor. August 17, 2020

Charles Payne’s In Depth
Omeed discusses the skills gap in the US economy on July 14, 2020

Maria Bartiromo’s Wall Street
Omeed discusses the market rebound and China policy on May 1, 2020

and @dagenmcdowell
SALT Voices with Omeed Malik
An interview with the founder and CEO of Farvahar Partners Omeed Malik at Abu Dhabi, December 2019

SALT Conference Abu Dhabi 2019
Omeed Malik of Farvahar Partners in a discussion with the founders of US-based technology ventures.
“Best collection of US tech founders ever assembled in Abu Dhabi”

December 2019: A group of investors and executives, including Managed by Q co-founder and former Chairman Dan Teran were on a panel moderated by Omeed Malik, CEO of merchant bank Farvahar Partners at the SALT conference in Abu Dhabi as report by Bloomberg and others. Ryan Denehy (Electric), Chieh Huang (Boxed) and Ben Hindman (Splash) also attended.